(477) 329 64 22 info@aserhs.com

Multi Services

This division is something that makes us different from other companies, having a Multiservice area is because we have the objective of serving and providing different services that our customers demand, our philosophy is to provide a comprehensive service that exceeds the expectations of our customers and We seek to make labor relations that last.

The multiservices we offer allow us to be a powerful company, we work on customer needs and we specialize in doing things that other companies cannot or do not want to do.

We know the environmental importance and we are associated with a group of companies that have all the federal documents and permits for handling all types of waste and tax destruction.

Our services in this area are:

Specialized industrial maintenance

Industrial Security


  • Waste Management Plans.
  • Hazardous Waste Management.
  • Special Management Waste Management.
  • Environment impact manifestation.
  • Environment Effect investigation.

Specialized Industrial Cleaning

Mechanical Installations

Metalworking Manufacturing

  • Production of Parts in Lathe, Milling and Machining Centers (CNC).
  • CAD and CAM development for injection molds, fixtures, gages, Go / No go (enter / do not enter).

  • Specialized industrial maintenance
  • Floor maintenance services
  • Polishing and polishing floors
  • Application of Epoxy and Polyurethane paint
  • Waterproofing

Specialized Cleaning in Structure

Specialized Cleaning in Warehouses

Specialized Industrial Cleaning

Specialized Cleaning in Production Area

Specialized Cleaning in Process Area

Specialized Cleaning in Facades

Epoxic Application

Painting Works

Installing Plasterboard – Walls and Ceilings

Contact Us

Calle: Paseo de Jerez # 327 int C01, Col. Jardines de Jerez C.P. 37530 León, Gto México

(477) 398 71 99 y (477) 329 64 22



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